SAPHO CARE was established with one focus in mind in line with its mission to improve public health issues and the quality of life. Opening its doors with arms wide open to the general public.

To ensure we deliver a high quality level of health services. Contributing with a high volume of volunteers and employees such as health specialists, medical doctors and people with expertise in administration and finance, information systems, economics, health statistics as well as emergency preparedness and response.

Our Mission Statement – Improving health and quality of life


The objects for which the charity is established are the advancement of health, including public health, well-being and the delivery of health care and any other objects and purposes which are exclusively charitable according to the laws of England and Wales, in particular (without limitation) by: promoting projects to improve health, public health awareness and public awareness.

Providing support to individuals and communities in need, with a focus on improving access to healthcare services, including preventive care.

Collaborating with healthcare professionals, organisations to foster partnerships, share knowledge, and create a collaborative environment for addressing health challenges and promoting health and well-being.

Promoting healthy living, keeping fit throughout the life course. Organising health events, information services and activities to promote health and well-being.


The organisation takes research and studies published by various healthcare charities such as Cancer Research UK, Diabetes UK and the British Medical Journal and produces leaflets, Youtube videos and pamphlets. It uses these to educate the Buckinghamshire community about public health, general and specific health issues. It also engages with communities that may be more closed off such as ethnic minority communities whereby a specific health issue effects the members or where English is not spoken.

It advocates for improvements and reform in healthcare which would improve the health of the general public. It does this by disseminating issues and information and communicating this to the public to increase public support for improvements.


The organisation’s purposes improve the health of the Buck community and improves their general health knowledge. It also educates communities that typically are unaware of healthcare issues or issues facing their particular community and therefore improves their health.

We help to increases the public’s knowledge of illnesses and their treatments. Focusing on communicating information to hard to reach areas and minorities such as the Asian community that have communication barriers. We help to connect the locals with health organisations so that they are aware of health issues and what to communicate to healthcare professionals so that issues aren’t missed or misdiagnosed.

Connecting organisation with hard to reach communities to provide healthcare services and promote healthy living. 


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OUR MISSION: Making a difference by providing innovative healthcare information and services

OUR VISION: A team of dedicated professionals delivering public health programs that make a difference

OUR VALUES: Putting the public’s need first, working together to provide and strive for the best


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